Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Welcome to the Heroes on Hexes blog!

This blog is dedicated to a not so well known board game called HeroScape. Some pics of the different boxes as you'll see them.

From the picture you'll notice that this game there are several little miniature figures. What your looking at is an alien, a big old robot armed with a Gatling gun and rocket blaster, a soldier from WWII, a big dinosaur(and a puny orc riding him), the dragon, a Prometheus styled agent, a samurai, a Viking Warrior, and a winged person with a spear. Each of these characters may be big or small, but still plain awesome.

This is a board, where HeroScape is played. But, wait just a second, why limit yourself to one board? HeroScape has billions(if not infinite)of combinations that you can do with it's simple terrain. I'll let Tom Vassel explain that a little more.

Let's hear about your favorite piece from the selection I showed above. Or are you more interested in the tons of different maps there are? How about the game play? I'd love to hear some responses.

Check out heroscapers.com to see lots of more stuff(and believe me, that is some tough stuff).

A preview for Tomorrow-land:

Enjoy trying to decipher it due to blurry res^_^!!

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