Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Start of the Road to Gametime!

Ok, I'll admit it, it normally takes 2-3 days to play one game of HS solo for me. Mostly because I decide to go do other things. But I have it down to a science. First I pick 2 armies with equal points. Then the next time I come around I make a map. Then I play on it later for 1/2 of the game. Then play the other half at another time. So, I'll just post the armies being used.

Deathwalker 9000
Zettian Guards
Warden 816
Zombies of Miorindanx5
Total: 600 points
Omnicrom Snipersx2
Venoc Vipersx3
Black Wyrmlingx1
Ogre Warhulkx1
Total: 600 points
Guessed winner(my prediction):P1

Customizing Your 'Scape: Act 3
Last time, I hinted at making a custom-making life easier. So here is my checklist of the design/imagery aspect. Note that I won't always use every single one, but I will go with some of them.
  • Using pieces that are already in HeroScape or were converted by another custom maker a la card. In other words use something that already has a card made.
  •  Using something called secondary powers. Basically powers that already exist in Scape(such as Flying) or powers that aren't unheard of in Scape.
  • When in the initial steps of power design, think about how the piece your going to make would fight. That'll cut down the hassles later.
  • Make sure that the custom powers in combination you are making doesn't look too much like any particular official piece, or you'll just be making a custom of something we have seen. It is however acceptable to make (example)"Dragon Bonding" if you don't own Greenscale Warriors though(end example).
  • If your using a piece already found in HS for the custom's figure, just use the size on the card! 
  • If your making a remake of a currently existing figure, you can use very similar stats as the original. And powers. And sculpt sometimes.
Here is an example:
This is my custom, the Deathwalker P-9500. As you may know, the sculpt is the DW9K as is the hit zone. That's one "shortcut"(not really a shortcut, it is just how I do customs, I use pieces I already own so I don't have to go buy more). The original DW9K had similar stats to this guy. Both of their life, move, range values are the same. Their defense is a little different. DW9K has 9 defense, and DW9.5K has 8 defense plus the defensive power Tough(which enables a free shield upon being attacked by a normal attack). Their attack is a little different as well but is to help allow the player to choose this one's normal attack over either of its special ones. They have almost the same stats on their left stat box(featuring race/army card type/class/personality/size) with the exception of personality. The original had a Precise personality, this one is Wild(that was a specialized choice on my part). Some may recognize the powers Tough and Explosion Special Attack from earlier pieces. I couldn't choose which to implement, so I stuck both on there as secondary powers. The Gatling Gun Special Attack, though similar to Mimring's Fireline/ Rhogar Dragonspine's Dragonbreath Special Attack, is unique in it's usage and application though.

Preview Time:
Because I'm sooo nice(I know, yeah right), I'll be showing off a few of the Wave 13 figures. Just 2 cards though.

Game of the Day: Post your predictions for the winning team. The map will be revealed soon enough.

1 comment:

  1. Army one. DW9K and the Zombies will chew through the squads no problem. The zetts and the warden will be able to take out the ogre and the wrymling. The only real threat here is Syvarris, who might be able to turtle.
