Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A Warrior's Expectations

When HeroScape is played for glory, trophies, prizes, or just at home, most players prefer to use figures they like or think they are better at using than if they used other pieces. Well, some pieces are *better* for things such as tournaments than others are. In general these units can do all sorts of different things, but all for a low price. Raelin the Kyrie Warrior from the original master set(Rise of Valkyrie, very worth picking up) provides 2 additional defense for merely being with 4 clear sight spaces of her. Her low price of 80 points makes it very easy for her to enter many armies. There are more than just a few *bad* pieces also. Like Dund.

For this reason, there are something called HeroScape Power Rankings. These are only based on opinion, but they hold true for the most part. Units who may do well in HeroScape tournaments often get higher rankings than those that don't.

I'll point out some of the different robots...
Deathwalker 7000- Sweet! I blew up next to four of your squad members. Wait, I still didn’t do crap for damage.
Major Q10- Though not as good as his predecessor, Q10 remains a decent hero with decent stats. A
Zettian Guards- Though constantly ragged on, the Zettians can make a decent end-game ranged force. Will Torin revive this RotV clunker? B- 
Warden 816-The warden helps out his fellow guards, but most of them are beyond all hope anyway. C-
As you may notice, an A is great, a C is average and a F is well... fun? It should be remembered that just because a figure does poorly in a tournament doesn't mean it is weak at all. In fact, many powerful stuff has lower rankings simply because they are meant for things other than tournament play. Taelord for example, is great when the points go up, but in today's typical 500 point games, he simply cannot bring enough heat to the ring.

Customizing Your 'Scape: Act 8

Custom creator Chardar has decided to tap into the finer arts of card creation. This is probably a piece that may be rarely usable, but the card is simply beautiful.
The dark colorings really bring out the flavor of the demon. Boiling lava in the background also looks sweet. Cards this good looking do require the use of specialized computer painting tools. Chardar made this from GIMP. Simply bringing a card of this spectacle would cause a little 'oohing' and 'aahing' to boot. Although somebody could talk all day about how to use GIMP, this thread would probably be much more useful: whitestuff's advanced gimpshop tutorial.

And now I bring you the game to be played soon:

Army for P1:
Chardar's Balor(425)
James Murphy(75)
Marro Dividersx2(100)
600 points total

Army for P2:
Deathwalker P-9500(160)
Drow Chainfighterx1(25)
Werewolf Lordx1(140)
Marro Stingersx2(120)
Marro Warriors(50)
600 points total

With the scenario being to bring something over 150 points to the table, both sides have decided to use a custom beastie. We'll see how well 7 defense and 9 life holds to the enemies. And how well will the Werewolf Lord do? We'll see.

The game of the day: Who do you think will win? P1 or P2? Such a challenge/\_/\!!


  1. It depends on how well they're played. Balor has the potential to destroy the other army with one attack, but if you give the Marro a Chance to spread out they can blast Balor to bits. Werewolf lord only affects small or medium figures, so I'd recommend swapping it out for Marcu and the Hive. Marcu gets you a free attack against Balor, and the Hive will give your Marro a boost.

  2. The hive is 160...

    Werewolf Lord is mostly for taking over James. If/when he does, James can blast through the Dividers. Plus 4 attack power isn't too bad. I can't wait to see how Balor does Chardar, he seems to be a brutal figure, but I know the Dice Gods well.
