Saturday, February 11, 2012

Slayer Vs Left

Today I got to play HeroScape with a person who isn't under the age of 13. A big shock there. And, no, it wasn't me. I played against a certain LeftOn4Ya not once, but 3 times. That's more HeroScape than I get in most months! But, why am I wasting time introducing this blog? On with the show!

As the time to meet came closer and closer, I had more and more of the preparations complete, only to be be replaced by excitement. I built a mountain range-esque map, with a little dungeon and shadows mixed in to add color and help Drow and melee. Snow capped off some of the best positions, noting that snow spaces count for 2 movement points.

Once he arrived, we unloaded his car of a giant blue storage bin. I'm not kidding when I say it's gotta be 4-5 feet long. How he got the thing into his car is shocking! It was also heavy, and the real snow was slowing us down. We got the mammoth into the dining room, where he took a quick look at the map. The map didn't seem to impress, but it would get the job done. We chatted for a bit, he showed me why he needed a monster sized storage bin (this guy has tons of figures!), and then we began the main part of the day.

Game 1:
Flameslayer (me):
Sgt. Drake (Swarm of the Marro Version)
Capt. John Varan (C3V)
Raelin (Rise of the Valkyrie Version)
Tactical Combat Unit x3

Zaeus (C3V)
Black Wyrmlings x2
Nakita Agents
Gorillanators x3 (CUC Version)

(We didn't go for a General Wars match, but that's how it turned out)

The game opened with LeftOn4Ya advancing his Monkeys and Agents. Having never seen Gorillanators, I was in awe of their 7 movement. These apes were fast on their feet! My first turn involved us learning of an error in the map. Raelin grabbed a glyph first turn. Simply put, oops. Anyways, using the glyph of Erland, I pulled Zaeus into adjacency with Raelin. Though the kyrie did no damage, Drake came up and in a few turns, put Zaeus to shame, having not only dealt no damage, but even losing the first Order Marker in a round. Raelin was gunned down quickly, but she served her purpose well enough. Drake and the toy soldiers slowly cleared out the Nakitas, then proceeded to work their way into the Gorillas. Lefty had to change his strategy from "take Drake down" (because Drake is impervious to ranged normal attacks and engaging him seemed to lead to death) to "Take out the Dollar Store figures". Once he took this route, he slowly cut a bloody swath into my TCUs. Once he was down to his ninja, the game was over.

Slayer: 1 Left: 0

Game 2:
Zombie Hulk x2 (SoV)
Zombies of Morindan x8

Trogladyte Bonecrusher (Left's Custom)
White Wyrmling
Trogladyte Brutes x4 (Left's Custom)

To make up for the lack of starting hexes for my massive Zombie Army, I threw a 7 hexer behind my Start Zone and called it good. I tried to chage my Zombies, but the map and the overpowered Trog+White Wyrmling combo slowed me down. This being the first time I played the Zombie Hulks, I was also playing like a rookie. We cut the game off at the halfway point, as his Trogs were just too much. Both of my Hulks were killed and I was down to about 4 squads of Zombies while I had killed 1 Trog. We theorized a few ways to make the Trogs much more balanced, including dropping them back to 3 men. Rather than waste the rest of the time we had talking about a single custom, we called it a draw.

Slayer: 1.5 Left: 0.5

Game 3:
Fen Hydra

Havechmech Incinerators (C3V)

(Ok, so I'm not sure about the name of the C3V thing, oh well)

We figured a no glyph, 300 point, speed round would serve our best interests for our last round. I moved out the Hydra early on and the robots killed it just as effectively as Hercules himself! Down to Ornak and Estivara, I didn't give up, but I knew I'd be at a disadvantage. Estivar couldn't pierce Siege's defense, and rather than blocking, she rolled nothing but blanks on defense. Ornak basically became suicidal and got burned and shot to death. And here I though those robots were weak...

Slayer: 1.5 Left: 1.5

Once we completed our games and he got his figures put away, Lefty became a plasticrack dealer. I purchased a NIB Orm's Return, a Marvel Set (yup, I took the plunge), a Nilfy who got used as a Chew toy, a "squad" of knights with the only desirable one being a modified one with a staff, 6 Ashigaru Gun-users and 2 Ashigaru Broken-Spear-users, Finn with a hammer, 2 of the Roman Archers (the third must not have died) Taelord, Kelda, Tornak, and a Marcus whose arm looks shockingly like an Izumi's. Overall, from a lot of used figs, it seems like super glue surgery only needs to be applied to 2 figures. The Broken Spear wielders will be accompanied by 2 of the Gun-wielders.

The review of the day in a word: Fun

'Scape On.

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