Monday, December 5, 2011

Vanilla with Sprinkles

I like Vanilla Ice Cream. :)
Do you like Vanilla Ice Cream Sir Denrick?

Ummm... What is Vanilla Ice Cream?

Vanilla Ice Cream is delicious.

Ooh, ooh, I like Vanilla Ice Cream with Sprinkles!

Ne-Gok-Sa, this interview is not about you. Now shush.

This was a short interview in order to derive at least one of the strategies that could, in theory, make Sir Denrick a monster on the battlefield. But, obviously having Sir Denrick envision that every enemy on the battlefield is Vanilla Ice Cream is not one of the best ideas. Ne-Gok-Sa on the other hand, might roll more 20's if he thinks the board is made of Vanilla Ice Cream... Maybe Sir Denrick likes Chocolate? I'll have to ask him later.

Sir Denrick is one of my favorite "Old Skool" heroes. Even if he doesn't have a use for his Giant Killer, he can be pretty Robust on the battlefield, so long as he has Knights backing him up -and- a fallback Human Champion so he can bond. But, the real draw of even bothering to draft Denrick is typically to use against Huge figures. For the most part, this line of reasoning can be further described here.

Why don't we look at other ideas, both official and otherwise, to make this Knight even more interesting to use?
As you can tell, unless your doing a draft game and someone pulls out a Huge figure, Sir Denrick isn't much more than a beat-stick with a power that really makes any opposing ranged figures annoyed. Maybe they get so annoyed at a charging knight with enough attack power to basically guarantee their doom and enough defense and life to survive at least a few raids? Using him to "attract attention" might not be such a bad idea, so long as in the end he makes a few kills. Regardless of strategy, let's notice what he doesn't have shall we?


So I listed all of the other Human Champions who both the Knights of Weston and the MacDirk Warriors can bond with. If you notice, 4 of the listed heroes have at least 1 power that supports the other units in your army directly. The other two figures have a "Attack everything in sight mentality". And those 2 both can fill vital roles in your army. Hawthorne can give you a Special Attack, because face it, normal attacks are boring. Alastair on the other hand, can boost the raw attacking power of the MacDirks simply by taking more and more turns. Of course, if Alastair dies, they go back to square one. Denrick, on the other hand only has a power that allows you a better chance versus HeroScape's biggest figures

As I said before, if you want to officially make Sir Denrick rock, try reading the How To article. That could give you some ideas. I shall take a look at one of the ideas I've heard of.

Giant Killer(revised): When Sir Denrick attacks a Large or Huge Figure, add 2 to his attack.

This change to Giant Killer certainly has a few advantages for the knight. It adds a lot of affected figures to his counter-pool. 26 figures is quite a lot of fresh new counters, especially when you consider what you get when you can counter them. Ulginesh is large, and really will not be happy if he saw Denrick coming in to close. The Templars, while not great, are also Large. Don't forget that the Arrow Grut boosting Swogs (and their Vanilla-flavored repaint Nerak) are Large. And once you take out the head, the body shall follow.

Another idea would be to in include customs that change strategies. My Throwers of the Tarn, are a great example of that.

They, when paired with the MacDirk Warriors, can actually create a use for Sir Denrick. Not only is Sir Denrick relatively durable, but after he makes his round against a Huge figure, he can flee with a few wounds and then send in the MacDirks and the Throwers to go on an expedition. Even better, is that neither the Throwers nor the MacDirks are really outfitted to take on a Huge Figure. After all, those guys are friggin' powerful!

So, in conclusion to this possibly unneeded blog, do you also like Vanilla Ice Cream?

Scape On.

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