Deathwalker 9000
Zettian Guards
Warden 816
Zombies of Miorindanx5
Total: 600 points
Omnicrom Snipersx2
Venoc Vipersx3
Black Wyrmlingx1
Ogre Warhulkx1
Total: 600 points
Remember now? I guessed that P1 would win. Well how about we get to the details of the game:
Winner: P2's Viperborgs
Loser: P1's Zombiewalkers
MVP: Omnicron Snipers
LVP: Syvarris
Most Embarrassing Moment: When DW9K missed with his explosion that would've killed 3 Vipers(and rolled only shields at that).
Highest Percentage Killer: Black Wyrmling(150% killing for its points)
The beginning of the game went as well as expected. The Zombies and the Vipers went at it. The Zombies picked up the Glyph of Gerda and the Vipers nabbed up the Glyph of Astrid. Zombies and Vipers went toe-to-toe with lots of missed skulls on the Zombie attacks.
Eventually DW9K landed on the Glyph of Ivor and attempted making a pot-shot at the Ogre Warhulk and it didn't leave a scratch.
DW9K and Syvarris fight head to had with only turn turns of bullets to kill the elf.
With nearly everything dead, P2's hope has dwindled. But still holding the Glyph of Astrid and both squads of Omnicron Snipers still alive, they manged to tear though nearly the entire army of P1. Whatever the Vipers didn't kill(which was about 2 squads of Zombies), the Omnicrons took out.
This was a fun game.
Customizing your 'Scape: Act 7
The long and hard part of making customs is most easily play-testing. Other than being incredibly important to making a balanced custom, it opens up plenty of true observations. It allows you to see what will get used more often than you anticipated or less often even.
You may be snickering(or outright laughing) at this custom. First of all he is lazy. He has a defense of 1. He gets so tired of flapping his wings that he can(will?) only fly for 4 spaces instead of the whole 5. And he costs more than Mimring and only 5 points less than **********, the newest dragon. The attack is only 3 and he won't eve bother to use a fireball to scorch his enemies like other dragons. As an Outcast, he shouldn't actually even be in Valhalla. Or should he? Disengage is an odd power for someone whose lazy. Maybe that Snoozefire power will shed some light on this custom? Well if he gets attacked, he only has to fail his defense roll to burn the enemy to french toast. That power became the most used power of the custom(for obvious reasons). His other 2 powers might be used maybe once or twice. In order to better represent his true price, I couldn't put the cost of flying and disengage due to their practical worthlessness on this guy. It can be hard sometimes.
Preview Time:
Tomorrow is the day of the juggernauts! Or at least the day that I think is Juggernaut Day...
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